Thursday, February 24, 2011

PMAI Results

After waiting around for multiple days, and calling their customer service number and receiving no calls back, I FINALLY received the results for my PMAI assessment. I still never received a response from the company; the link they sent me randomly became active with no warning. I assume this is because they had so many people taking the test, but if one class room of students overloads their testing facility than how professional is this company?

However, that is irrelevant when it comes to the results and in my case I tested highest in the areas of Jester, Warrior and Creator. I can see how this is possible because the Jester " assume that life is meant to be enjoyed." This statement could not be more true for me. I firmly believe that becasue we only have one life to live you must talk full advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Life is meant to be enjoyed! However, this can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes the most enjoyable things in life can take you away from the things that are not as fun, but still crucial to an active adult life. Something else the Jester possesses that I can see in myself is the ability to use humor in an awkward situation. Humor can help to diffuse an otherwise difficult situation. The second archetype I tested highly for was the Warrior who "...assume that the tough prevail." I believe this to be true because without hard work I don't believe it is possible to be truly successful. In my mind your success is gauged in what you are able to accomplish, not what you have to show for it. The third most dominant archeytpe in my life is the Creator who says " assume what can be imagined can be created." I can see this because I am fairly creative and often start many different projects. However, many of these projects remain unfinished, so it is important for me to realize this and work towards a better work ethic. This also ties back into my Jester side because I would often rather have fun than sit around and finish a project.

These top three archetypes are the most dominant in my life but following these by less than three points each are: Innocent, Seeker, and Lover. This just means that at this point in my life, I still have some personal growth to accomplish and over time my views on things will become more focused. The only archetype I scored significantly lower in than all the others was Orphan. This again probably goes back to my Jester and Creator types because I do not like to play it safe; instead I would rather take a risk and learn from my mistakes.

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