Friday, February 11, 2011

Trait Based Leadership Theories- Pros and Cons

Trait based leadership theories emphasize the idea that some people have natural born abilities, or traits, that allow them to become better leaders. These trait based theories have come under fire over time, as more and more people believe that leadership skills can be developed, therefore weakening the trait argument. There are many pros and cons for each side. One of the pros is it helps to identify skills that people need to work on. For example, if someone realizes they are lacking in a specific area they can work to improve this. It can also provide focus for a person. On the other hand, if a person focuses to much on these traits they can miss some aspects of a great leader. Someone is not really born with an “honesty trait” so this is one skill that someone must work on for life. Also, by saying that leadership traits are inherited, that means some people can not be leaders. This goes against almost everything I have been taught in school, so I can’t fully believe the trait theories.

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