Friday, March 4, 2011

Differing Viewpoints

After reading many other students' blogs I noticed that even though we are all basically at the same points in our lives, we have very different view points from each other. This can be very beneficial because we can often learn much more from people who are different than people who are the same as ourselves. That being said, it is also important to compare yourself to someone with similar views as well. To do this I chose someone with a similar blog to mine, Adam, and someone with a different viewpoint than mine, Erin. Adam’s blog is similar to mine in the way that it is laid out simply, using one of the templates provided. That makes his blog look similar to mine, and it has a familiar feel to it. His content is similar to mine in the way that almost all of the examples are work related. It is very easy for me to relate to these because I am also a task oriented person, so real world examples make more sense to me. It is also similar in the sense that most of the posts are short and to the point without much excess story-telling. I chose Erin’s blog because her archetypes where some of the ones that I scored lowest one, meaning I need the most help understanding this viewpoint. I think it is great that someone destined to be a leader says “I worry about other people and how they are feeling” especially because this is not something that I always think about. This will definitely not be the last time that I look at either post because I want to see how different our leadership styles will become.

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