Friday, February 11, 2011

What Leadership is to Me

Leadership is a quality that is often hard to define, but is often one of the most sought after qualities of any management level position. That being said, it is important to define what leadership means to you as a person before you are able to effectively lead. To me, leadership is a combination of many different things, and when these things are synthesized a truly great leader is present. Over my school career I feel like I have been taught many different things about what it takes to be a leader. I have been told you must be charismatic, articulate, tall, motivated, and many other things that turned out to not be true. I have learned that leadership is a quality that someone can develop over time, and ANYONE can be a leader. This being said I think that it is extremely important to always be working on making yourself a better leader. There is always room for growth, and leadership theories are constantly changing. It is extremely crucial to stay current on these theories in order to ensure that you are not a replaceable entity.

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