Friday, February 11, 2011

Leadership Traits I Admire

Leadership traits will give you the ability to rise to the top of any career. One of the most important qualities of a leader is trustworthiness and honesty. If you can't be trusted as a person, no one will ever trust you as a leader. And once trust is broken, it is one of the hardest things to regain. Having employees that trust their leader is extremely important, especially in times of transition or turmoil. Another leadership trait that I admire is drive. I admire this quality because it is an encompassing term that many other traits fit under. In order to be a successful leader one must always be looking forward. It is never good enough to do just your job; if that was not the case we would all be replaced by robots. To be a successful leader in today's competitive environment you must constantly be bettering yourself, and this requires drive. Drive, honesty, and integrity are the most important traits a leader can possess in my mind.

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