Friday, March 11, 2011

Transformational Leadership in the Movies

Al Pacino's character, , lets the players know he is not perfect but he has learned a lot from his trials. By telling the team the all must "claw with our fingernails" it means the team must work together to achieve their goal, because it takes a lot more than once inch to win a football game.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tom
    Dan here...
    Sweet little blog you got here.
    I have been bouncing around a few blogs and I really liked a few things about your transformation posts.
    First, great post on differing viewpoints. The image really drove the point home.
    Second, Every Given Sunday is an awesome pick. Al Pacino is the man, and he dominated that role. Coaches are always thought of as the ideal leader for people to relate to because most people play sports growing up. By getting a group of disgruntled hot-headed professional athletes to come together and perform requires exceptional leadership and an inspiring personality. Good stuff Tom.

